(678) 653-2053
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Enjoy the flexibility and convenience of being tutored from your mobile device or desktop using an app. Contact us today to find out more!
Tutoring for all grade levels
Proudly servicing the Atlanta Metropolitan & surrounding areas since 2011

Payments accepted
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How do I get a tutor?
When you submit a request for tutoring, we will contact you either by email or phone to gather more information about your request. We will work out the best tutoring solution, location and scheduling details and then request for payment by debit/credit card to book the time. A tutoring session is not considered booked until payment has been successfully processed and confirmed.
Time2Achieve's main objective is to help our students to achieve positive outcomes to position them for success. We are committed to learning and understanding our students' needs and working together with our community of support (parents, teachers, partners) to serve and uplift our students to achieve those intended outcomes.
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How does Time2Achieve Tutoring work?
Tutoring is offered in all academic subject areas, including vocational courses online. Students can receive help with homework and/or test preparation. Writing assistance with resumes, cover letters, business plans, and program plans are available. Music lessons for drums and music theory are also available. Adults can receive help in the areas of professional development and small business entrepreneurship.
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What can I get help with?
What's the minimum time to work with a tutor?
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Yes. You may request a recap of what your tutor reviewed with you/your child from a previous session held within the last 24-48 hours, or for an upcoming session. The recap will be emailed to you within 24 hours and no later than 48 hours after completion.
Can I review my previous sessions?
We cannot guarantee that you will work with the same tutor again, since our tutors' schedules and availabilities can vary. However, we will notify you of your preferred tutor's availability. In the event that your preferred tutor is no longer available, any of our qualified tutors will be able to assist.
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Can I work with the same tutor again?
To request a tutor, please contact us through our Contact Us page. We will review the information submitted, and follow up with you via email or phone to discuss the next steps. Once we have gathered enough information and you have submitted payment, we will match you with a qualified tutor who will schedule your sessions.
We require no less than two hours per week.
Elementary school: Minimum 1 hour per session up to two hours
Middle School: Minimum 1.0 hours up to two hours per session
High School: Minimum 1.0 hours up to two hours per session
Test Prep: Minimum 1 1/2 hours per session